Therapeutic Riding
Here’s the basic information about how our program works.
- The program operates three sessions, each 10 to 15 weeks long.
- General Dates Therpeutic Riding Sessions:
Spring: early March to mid-June
Summer: mid-June to early August
Fall: early August to mid-November - The sign up forms for our sessions is available to download and print here.
- Tuesday evening (4-8pm), Thursday evening (4-8pm), and Friday morning (8-am-noon) riding times are available.
- With practices starting on Saturday mornings in February, a separate Special Olympics equestrian program works toward a local competition in April. Select riders from this group also attend the Special Olympics of Pennsylvania Annual Summer Games held in State College in early June!
- During the warmer months, the riders enjoy the wonderful trails through the wooded area around the farm. All our riders enjoy the fish pond along one of these trails.
- In the arena, a variety of fun therapeutic activities are used to accomplish the goals recommended by the therapist.

Targeted areas may include:
- Improved balance
- Eye/Hand coordination
- Ability to follow directions
- Communication skills
- Social Interaction
- Attention and Visual Skills
- Each rider is evaluated by a trained and experienced therapist.
SunnyBrook is equipped with a lift to assist non-ambulatory riders onto the horse.